BT switches on its first self-powered mobile mast

Image: BT.

A mobile mast capable of generating at least 70 per cent of its energy needs from an on-site wind turbine and solar panels has gone live in the Shropshire Hills.

Owned by the BT Group, the mast provides 4G and 5G connectivity to EE customers living, working and travelling in the area. 

In the event of insufficient wind or sun to generate new power, and the onsite battery being depleted, a generator powered by Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) will kick in to provide back-up power to the mast and charge to the batteries.

Produced from a variety of waste and residual oils, HVO is classed as a green fuel.

BT expects the site to deliver approximately 17,000kWh of wind and solar energy per year and generate savings upwards of £10k. 

The Shropshire Hills installation is a pilot but BT says it’s already identified hundreds of additional locations which have the potential to derive much of their power from on-site renewable sources, in particular in coastal or hilly locations.

Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer, BT Group, said: “Delivering ubiquitous coverage is critically important in an age where connectivity has never been so central to everyday life, but it absolutely must be done in a responsible and sustainable manner. 

“It’s paramount that we increase the energy-efficiency of our networks, and so we’re really excited about the potential of self-powering sites in enabling us to meet both our sustainability and connectivity ambitions.”

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