Rise of house renovation TV shows continues to inspire savvy homebuyers

According to one survey, 82 per cent of adults in the UK regularly tune in to home or property TV shows. Naturally, this seems a bit too big. Still, home renovation shows were wildly popular in the UK in the 1990s and 2000s. At their peak, shows like DIY SOS were dazzling audience counts in the millions and remain both popular and famous to this day.

Since the turn of this decade, more people have been looking to move, get more hands-on, and build up a home. With the shows still put to air throughout the day, people who may be intrigued by such a project can easily find inspiration. So, the shows continue to make a difference around the world.

People Love Seeing the Transformation

Image: Pexels

Having the ability to transform a poor living space into something spectacular never fails to hit home with audiences. Most people have experienced living somewhere distinctly subpar.

Most also know the expertise and costs that are involved in making a poor home perfect. In these shows, throughout the day, in some instances, anyone can tune in and watch as presenters seamlessly flip a house filled with problems into an idyllic living space.

In the US, HGTV is the prime showcase. The channel started in 1994. Uniquely, it continues today with a focus on its niche of home renovation. Each month, over 95 million households in the US tune in to HGTV. HGTV has even been credited for seeing home improvement stores like Lowes increase from $6.1 million in net sales in 1994 to $96 billion in 2021.

Many other networks have also bundled in, seeing the popularity. Trading Spaces and This Old House have ignited imaginations across the country for years. In the UK, Grand Designs takes centre stage, along with DIY SOS and Escape to the Chateau. In Australia, while not on TV, YouTube-posted series of renovation shows like The Castle House and DNA of Design continue to garner clicks.

Jumping into Home Renovation

Image: Pixabay

It’s easy to be inspired by these shows. Over 30 minutes or an hour, a wreck is turned into a palace. It’s all filled with useful tips, and the process seems easy. Plus, ideal new houses, especially in the UK, are very expensive. The average house price in November 2024 was said to be over £260,000.

Adding fuel to the fire is how straightforward it is to sell these days. Anyone can go online and find a tool to value my house. Then, they see how much it’s worth compared to when they bought it. With a free cash offer and no hidden fees, they can easily see how much capital they’d have for selling.

Then, they can renovate another to bring a cheaper purchase up to a greater sale price. Alternatively, they could build a cheaper purchase into a more idyllic home. It all seems so possible after watching a string of home renovation shows!

Home renovation shows continue to hit home with their ability to transform the mundane into the spectacular. It’s this that makes anyone think they can easily improve their living space, or even get in on the action and flip a house.

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