A new US advert for Amazon’s Kindle range swipes at Apple’s iPad, and in the process manages to talk down the Kindle Fire’s capabilities as an eReader.
Amazon launched the Fire, an Android-powered tablet, as a response to Apple’s iPad.
In the new ad, embedded below, a man and woman have the following exchange:
Man: Hey, excuse me. That’s the new Kindle, isn’t it? $79.
Woman: Best way to read, even in sunlight.
Man: Yeah, but I mean if you want to watch movies, or surf the Web…
Woman: I’ve got a Kindle Fire for that.
In highlighting the claimed superiority of the Kindle’s e-ink screen for reading, the advert also draws a unfavourable comparison between Amazon’s e-ink devices and its own glossy-screened Fire.
Amazon.com recently started offering refurbished Kindle Fires, suggesting some users have already returned their purchases.