Ashley Jensen and Rebecca Front lead the cast of Love, Lies & Records, a new BBC One drama from The Syndicate creator, Kay Mellor.
The series follows Registrar Kate Dickenson (Jensen) as she tries to juggle her personal life with the daily dramas of births, marriages and deaths and the impact they have on her.
After a dream promotion to the top job of Superintendent, Kate finds herself increasingly torn by the endless responsibilities of being a modern working mother.
Her daughter’s hiding suspicious messages on her mobile, her son hates her because she’s bought him the wrong trainers and now her stepson’s turned up unannounced to stay.
As Kate tries to hold her work, life and relationship together, things go from complicated to impossible when a disgruntled colleague threatens to expose a secret from her past. The series explores how women in particular have to juggle their lives.
Mellor said she came up with the idea for the show while waiting to register her mother’s death.
She explained: “I was next to a couple who were waiting to register the birth of their much wanted baby girl.
“Later on that week, I attended the wedding of some friends of ours. I realised that the register office was a microcosm of life itself – tears laughter and celebrations.”
Star Ashley Jensen said: “I have admired and respected Kay’s work for a long time and I am thrilled to be playing Kate.
“Kay’s writing is always honest and from the heart.
“I think that Kay has always managed to tap into issues that are relevant to ordinary peoples everyday lives and with this new show she deals with the major dramatic milestones that affect pretty much all of us.”
Rebecca Front added: “Births, marriages, deaths. We’ve all had experience of at least a couple of those.
“And Kay Mellor’s trademark mix of humanity, warmth, drama and intrigue runs right through these scripts. So I’m really excited to be part of it.”
“I am delighted to be working with the BBC again on my brand new drama – their support and encouragement is invaluable.
“I’m also excited about attracting such a talented cast who will give birth to the series.”
The series airs this Autumn on BBC One.