Viewers will be able to interact during and after the show with Evans who will be posting on Twitter (username @MarkEvansTV) tweeting with the hashtag #insidenaturesgiants.
Despite having only just landed in the UK following filming in the Arctic, where scientist Evans dissected a polar bear, the opportunity to learn more about one of the sea’s most mysterious creatures.
“From a personal perspective, one of most memorable parts of the dissection was my quest to get the whale’s heart out!”, says Evans.
“It required a reluctant local tree surgeon, a chain saw, a construction digger and a 12 inch kitchen knife.
“I must be one of the only people alive to have crawled into the chest of a Sperm Whale and cradle its gigantic heart in my arms.
“It was impossible to breathe because the smell of blood was so overpowering, and even removing it was a massive struggle that I had to abandon at my first attempt because of the incoming tide.”
Sunday at 9pm on Channel 4