Dazzler Media presents A Christmas Carol, a fresh interpretation of the classic story featuring Carey Mulligan, Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis and Daniel Kaluuya, coming to Blu-ray and DVD from 29th November.
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A victorian family prepares a toy-theatre for their annual performance of A Christmas Carol. The audience enters the imagination of one of the children, and quickly the cardboard stage transforms to reveal a magical world containing real dancers and stylised sets.
The tale unfolds on screen in a rich tapestry of highly absorbing, haunting and theatrical drama with characters portrayed by dancers and voiced by an eclectic cast of incredible actors.
The mix of danced action and spoken narration brings a completely new and exciting dimension to Dickens’ characters whilst remaining true to the beauty of his original narrative.
A festive treat for the whole family, the all-star cast includes Carey Mulligan (Never Let Me Go), Martin Freeman (The Hobbit franchise), Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings franchise), Daniel Kaluuya (Black Panther) and Simon Russell Beale (Mary Queen of Scots).