More Classic Radio Sci-Fi On CD

BBC Audiobook have announced the next three titles to be released in their classic radio sci-fi range.

Frankenstein – Starring Michael Maloney (Bonekickers, Notes on a Scandal) as Frankenstein and John Wood as the Creature, this spine-tingling dramatisation perfectly conveys the book’s pervasive sense of unease and dread.

R.U.R. – Simon Ward and Tessa Peake-Jones (Poppy Shakespeare) star in this suspenseful BBC Radio dramatisation of Karel Čapek’s play. R.U.R. written in 1920 is a thought-provoking drama famous for introducing the word ‘robot’ (from the Czech for drudge) to the English language. It is set in a future when all the work in our society is carried out by robots manufactured by Rossum’s Universal Robots.

Feeling sorry for the emotionless robots, the headstrong Helena persuades the company to factor emotion into them. The robots’ new-found consciousness leads them to revolt against their masters, and the resulting catastrophe makes for a gripping and thought-provoking drama.

The Lost World – This production of The Lost World, based on the novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, was first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1975, and amongst the cast are Francis de Wolff, Gerald Harper, Carol Boyd and the renowned radio actor Carleton Hobbs. The story follows a 19th century expedition to enter the rumoured lair of animals thought to have died out millions of years before – a terrifying world of pterodactyls and other prehistoric ‘monsters’. This CD release also includes an introductory sleeve note recounting the making of the radio adaptation, written by Andrew Pixley.

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