Based on the Mel Gibson and Danny Glover film franchise, the series tells the story of the cop duo Riggs (Rectify’s Clayne Crawford) and Murtaugh (Emmy nominee Damon Wayans) as they work a crime-ridden beat in modern-day Los Angeles.
During their first case, hot-headed Riggs drags conventional cop Murtaugh on a freeway chase and into a shootout with drug dealers; despite his protests, the older cop feels more alive than he has in years.
Meanwhile, Riggs gets a glimpse of why Murtaugh is so determined to get home safely at the end of each day – he has a family and a newborn baby.
And Murtaugh finds out what happened to Riggs’ marriage, that he sadly lost his young wife and unborn child, and his devil-may-care-attitude hides his grief.
By the time their investigation ends, Riggs realises he may have found something worth living for – a partner and friend in Murtaugh. Even Murtaugh figures this arrangement might just work out after all. If only Riggs doesn’t get them killed first….
ITV, Friday 3rd March at 9pm.