Compelling start for BBC’s Germany season

Art of Germany kicked of BBC Four’s Germany Season. Photo: BBC/SWA
BBC Four and Andrew Graham-Dixon kicked off their look at the Art of Germany last night with a compelling opening episode featuring Cologne Cathedral, ghouls, and the Isenheim Altarpiece.

Over three weeks the art critic and historian looks at the culture and development of Germany through its art – think A Picture of Britain or Seven Ages of Britain without David Dimbleby and his Land Rover.

If you missed last night’s episode – and if you did, you missed a treat – you can catch it on the iPlayer.

The series is part of the BBC Four’s Germany Season which also includes Julia Bradbury’s German Wanderlust (Wednesday 8.30pm), Al Murray’s German Adventure (Wednesday 9pm) and tonight’s documentary on Frederick the Great and the Enigma of Prussia.

It’s great to see the BBC giving viewers a detailed and rounded look at one of our most important European neighbours but it’s telling that, unlike those shows forming the corporation’s never-ending obsession with the US, this season is relegated to a minority channel rather than being showcased on primetime BBC One and BBC Two.

Increasingly the BBC is looking like a broadcaster embarrassed by its ability to make high brow and captivating television.

That grumble duly noted, don’t let the BBC’s insane scheduling decisions prevent you from enjoying what promises to be one of 2010’s great themed TV seasons.

Web Link: BBC Four’s Germany Season

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