DAZN soft launches new betting service in UK

Sports broadcaster DAZN has chosen the UK for the beta launch of its new betting service.

The firm says DAZN BET will allow it to “to learn how DAZN’s global subscribers like to interact with a betting and gaming offering.”

Mark Kemp, CEO, DAZN Bet, said: “The initial launch of DAZN Bet is the start of an exciting journey across media and sports betting and further delivers on commitments we have made to revitalise sports viewing for fans. 

“We are on a mission to create a richer entertainment product that over time is integrated into DAZN’s daily destination sports business, where possible. 

“Whilst this market entry will be a learning phase, our goal is to provide sports fans with a fantastic recreational sports betting product for DAZN’s global sports fans community. It is a journey, and we begin it now.”

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