Defying Gravity – DVD review

defying_gravitySci-Fi drama Defying Gravity is now available on DVD for the first time, courtesy of Medium Rare Entertainment.

Set in the year 2052, the thirteen part series follows eight astronauts on an international spacecraft on a six-year space ‘grand tour’ of the Solar System, and the ground crew which support them.

While the show is largely set in space, this is not your traditional Sci-Fi action series, but a character-led drama which tells a tale of mystery and intrigue.

As the story unfolds, the crew’s mission is complicated by the presence of a mysterious storage pod on board the ship.

The show was co-produced by a string of international broadcasters and studios, including the BBC, Fox Television Studios, Canada’s CTV and German broadcaster ProSieben.

International funding inevitably brings with it a cast of many accents, but unlike many such shows the setting for this one makes the array of accents and nationalities inherently plausible.

The show’s credibility is also hugely boosted by some outstanding set design, especially the spacecraft Antares which looks realistic and familiar from any number of NASA-based documentaries while being sufficiently advanced to fit the 2052 settings.

Defying Gravity suffered the fate of many international co-productions – early cancellation.

On the strength of the completed 13 episodes that seems to be a shame, the series dared to use space as stage for a different kind of story and a different take on any genre or setting is always to be welcomed.

This DVD release contains a few extras, including a behind the scenes feature

Fans of good character based dramas could do worse than pick up a copy.

Our verdict: 3.5/5

Defying Gravity is be released on February 25, pre-order from today.

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