Killer Joe, the new thriller directed by The French Connection’s William Friedkin, has been named as the Opening Gala film at this year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF).
The film stars Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch, Juno Temple, Gina Gershon and Thomas Haden Church.
The film will have its UK premiere at Edinburgh’s Festival Theatre on Wednesday, 20 June, with William Friedkin and cast in attendance, and will open nationwide on 29 June.
Chris Fujiwara, EIFF Artistic Director, said: “We’re delighted to be opening this year’s Festival with KILLER JOE. For my first year as Artistic Director, I intend to deliver a diverse programme that will spotlight filmmaking of real artistic distinction. William Friedkin’s exhilarating, intense, and brilliantly crafted film is absolutely in keeping with this ambition.”
Friedkin said: “I would also like to thank the Edinburgh International Film Festival for honouring our film with this screening, uncut. Of a film the Motion Picture Association of America has expressed a desire to censor.”
The EIFF runs from 20th June to 1st July 2012.