As reviewers we often get to enjoy films in the luxury of a snug screening room, often following a free bun or a glass of wine – don’t worry, because we’re principled types we don’t allow these little treats to sway our opinion!
Paying to see films at the local multiplex means missing the intimacy and camaraderie of our advance screenings but we at least still get to enjoy the films from the comfort of a decent seat and on a whopping big screen.
But in these austere times the cost of a cinema ticket can sometimes seem like extortion.
By the time you factor in the costs of drinks, popcorn and travelling you can easily end up paying close to £50 to sit through a two-hour film you don’t even get to keep.
Small wonder then that we increasingly hear of people who prefer to wait for the Blu-ray release and enjoy films at home.
But – as someone reminded us when they heard we’d skipped on a recent f/x laden remake – films are designed to be enjoyed on something a little more special than that ageing CRT.
While we don’t believe everyone needs a full home cinema system – does your neighbour REALLY want to hear Ferris singing “Danke Schoen” in your lounge? – we certainly agree a decent TV is essential to get the full benefit of watching movies at home.
Now we’re not fans of certain high street electrical retailers, there’s too much focus on the add-on warranty and not enough attention to the customer’s needs for our liking.
But even if you share our aversion to the usual suspects, you’ll still want to shop from a trusted brand when paying out for that bedroom portable or the latest LED TV.
As high street retailers diversify, even companies such as Marks and Spencer – who we traditionally think of as the place to top up our chino and polo shirt collections – are offering great deals on the latest technology.
And unlike those dreaded big name electrical retailers, they also do a great range of snacks you can enjoy with your film!