How BMW used interactive technology to find the ‘Ultimate Driver’

Image: BMW
Image: BMW

There used to be a time when adverts for cars were more than a little dull. Back in the 70’s and 80’s the box-like car would be seen sitting in a plain studio while an off-screen voice told you about its automatic gearbox and the presence of a radio.

Things started to get a little more exciting in the later 80’s and early 90’s when cars might actually be seen driving on a road.

And in the later 90’s effects technology allowed them to perform improbable stunts against a backdrop which looked like Lord of the Rings’ Mount Doom.

But when it came to advertising its 2 Series Coupe, car maker BMW decided it wanted a campaign based on something far less flashy and a whole lot more ‘real world’ – the ability to drive.

Over the years we’ve seen major brands commissioning short films and using tie-in experiences and virtual reality to engage with audiences but we think BMW may have come up with the ultimate participatory campaign.

The company teamed up with EngineDare to harness the latest interactive technology and let motoring fans test their driving skills in a virtual lap via Facebook or their smartphone. In addition, a special companion app brought to life a cinema version of the lap, allowing film fans to take part at their local multiplex.

More than 7,000 entries were received with the top 40 being invited to drive the BMW 2 Series Coupe on an exclusive track day and compete for the accolade of BMW’s Ultimate Driver.

Up for grabs was the chance to drive every new vehicle the brand launches in 2014, the perfect prize for fans of quality motoring.

You can watch highlights of the day below and find out more about the BMW Ultimate Driver & initiative by visiting BMW’s website.

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