The do-gooding conmen of Hustle will return for a sixth series in 2010, the BBC has confirmed. The series stars Adrian Lester as Mickey “Bricks” Stone, s Robert Vaughn, as veteran grifter Albert Stroller, and Robert Glenister, as fixer extraordinaire Ash “Three Socks” Morgan.
The fifth series of the hit drama, which concludes tonight, saw the arrival of brother and sister duo Emma and Sean Kennedy (Kelly Adams, Holby City and Matt Di Angelo, EastEnders).
Hustle creator, writer and executive producer, Tony Jordan, says: “We are really pleased with the way that series five has been received, it’s always difficult to maintain a drama’s following when you’ve been off air for a period of time. Having a fabulous actor like Adrian Lester back in the fold has really helped.”
“I’ve already got some great ideas for series six, so I can’t wait to get cracking on the scripts.”
Polly Hill, BBC Commissioning Editor of Independent Drama, says: “The success of the present series is testament to Tony Jordan’s brilliant scripts, the remarkable team at Kudos and a wonderful cast.”
“We look forward to seeing what 2010 will hold for Mickey and the gang.”
The series is produced by Kudos Film and Television in association with Red Planet Pictures.