Jeffrey Dean Morgan is to guest star in season two of Ride with Norman Reedus, his Walking Dead co-star’s motorcycle-themed travelogue.
The series airs in the UK on AMC which is exclusive to BT TV and the BT Sport pack on Sky, and has recently been renewed for a third season.
Reedus kickstarts the season in Spain along side castmate Morgan and a few hundred thousand fans. Other confirmed guests include Dave Chappelle with who he’ll explore Georgia, and famed chef Mario Batali who he’ll take to his home turf of New York City.
“There’s not much I love more than riding my bike on an open road with good friends,” said Reedus.
“The fact that I get to do that as my job is a dream come true. I’m super stoked for people to watch the upcoming season and can’t wait to start shooting three soon.”
Viewers can catch up on season one with double bill episodes each Wednesday at 9:00pm until 8th November.
AMC is available free of charge in the UK to BT customers on channel number 332 on BT TV, and to BT Sport Pack subscribers on Sky channel 192. AMC is also available in HD on both BT TV and Sky with an HD subscription.