Kitronik has followed up the recent launch of its Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier Kit by releasing the specs for a case which can be 3D printed.
The firm says the template can be imported to any 3D printing software and laser cut using any 3mm laser compatible material, although the version seen above was printed using Perspex.
Launched earlier this month, the Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier Kit includes:
- 3W audio amplifier with Bluetooth link (based on a fully CE compliant module).
- Enables music to be played from a phone, tablet or computer wirelessly.
- Simple user interface, via single on / off switch.
- Auto reconnect or enters pairing mode on power up.
- LED and sounds indicate status information such as pairing status.
- Optional connection point for additional off board LED.
- Can be powered from a 1A micro USB supply or LiPo battery (both available separately).
- Includes automatic LiPo charging for battery capacities between 400mAh to 1000mAh.
- Speakers supplied unconnected allowing cable lengths and cable routing to be personalised to specific enclosure designs.