A press release sent to us earlier, and pointlessly accompanied by some images of the firm’s Reed Hastings posing with some reality TV types, advises that streaming TV and films can now be yours for £5.99 per month.
Sounds good, especially as, the service apparently works with Apple’s TV.
I say ‘apparently’ because when I clicked the Netflix menu option on my Apple TV, I was told the service was unavailable.
Still I was putting the cart before the horse. I hadn’t yet signed up for a Netflix account.
And nor will I be.
Because I’m logged in to Facebook, Netflix insist on only presenting me with a ‘Sign up with Facebook’ option.
In return for handing over details of my Facebook account, not only do I save a whole £5.99 for the first month, but my Facebook associates will be spammed with details of the films I’m watching.
I’m sure they’ll be delighted.
Apparently if you feck about enough you can find ways to sign-up without handing over access to your Facebook account but the fact that Netflix have made it so hard to do so has put me off their service.
I hope Netflix have a long and successful future in the UK, but it won’t involve me until they take a long, hard look at their sign-up process.
A note for them, their PR agents and, no doubt, corporate lawyers – your promises of a hassle-free way to LEAVE the service would sit more comfortably if JOINING it were easier.