New Radio 4 season celebrates movies

Matthew Sweet will present a feature on Pocket Cinema. Image: BBC
A new season of movie-related programmes, including a documentary on the history of British cinema-going hosted by legendary film critic Barry Norman, starts tomorrow 914th January) on Radio 4.

The season also includes contributions from Oscar winning film producer Sir David Puttnam, director Ken Loach; and director Sam Mendes plus a personal history of film by historian and film critic David Thomson and Matthew Sweet on ‘pocket film’ featuring a specifically commissioned mobile phone film by British film director Gurinder Chadha.

Coinciding with the season, the Radio 4 website has published a collection of over two hundred interviews with contemporary film stars, directors and producers broadcast on the network since 2002.

Plus, BBC Archive has launched a collection of radio interviews with the stars of American cinema’s ‘Golden Age’.

Radio 4 film season website –
BBC Archive’s Hollywood Voices –

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