New video reveals the pampered life of a West End star

gypsyHollywood, TV and theatre – the creative world is full of divas and one of the biggest is currently living it up at London’s Savoy theatre where hit musical Gypsy is playing to sell-out crowds.

Fans of the show’s star Imelda Staunton can relax – the acclaimed actress hasn’t let rave reviews for her latest performance go to her head. No, the demands for a chauffeur driven Rolls Royce and a full valet service are instead being made by Staunton’s co-star Nessie who plays Chowsie.

Check out this video of how pampered life can be when you have an Olivier & BAFTA winning actress looking out for your every need…

Gypsy is playing at the Savoy until November 28th – visit for details.

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