NOOK offers free books & magazines for US, UK & Spanish users

nook_logo_horizontalWindows phone and tablet users can get some great deals on ebooks and magazines when they install the NOOK ereading app and sign-in with their Microsoft account.

US users are being offered free, discounted and low-priced books, magazines and comics until December 23rd while in the UK new NOOK app owners can download five free books and five free magazines now until December 31st.

In Spain, new NOOK app owners can download five free books and five free magazines now through January 15th.

All special offer items can be found in the Library for new accounts.

The NOOK app allows users to customise their reading experience to view books with different fonts, line spacing and themes, turn pages with the flick of a finger or jump to any page.

It can also syncs the last page read across multiple devices.

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