OverDrive, the company which distributes eBooks for retailers and libraries around the world, has purchased Australian eBook retailer Booki.sh.
OverDrive also offers eBook and audiobook apps for smaprtphones and tablets.
Unlike most retailers, Booki.sh uses HTML5 to makes titles available via the customer’s web browser rather than requiring them to install apps.
OverDrive says it will integrate technologies into its own services, expanding the options it can offer partners.
Booki.sh founders and principals Joseph Pearson, Virginia Murdoch and Peter Haasz will join OverDrive from their existing offices in Melbourne.
“Joseph, Virginia and the Booki.sh team have created a fresh, direct and immersive reading experience that uniquely serves the mission of our libraries and schools,” said Steve Potash, OverDrive CEO and President.
“Their innovative technologies streamline the access and convenience of eBooks, which will help shape how millions of readers and students enjoy eBooks from OverDrive’s network of thousands of libraries, schools and booksellers in over 20 countries.”