Plusnet TV is “launching soon”

Plusnet's TV service will be based on the youView platform.
Plusnet’s TV service will be based on the YouView platform.
Plusnet’s long-awaited TV service is “launching soon” according to an official post on the YouView support forum.

The ISP launched trials of its YouView-based TV service in December 2013 but has so far failed to follow up with a full-scale launch despite parent company BT already offering a pay-TV service based on the platform.

Posting on the official YouView support forum, a staff member said: “We can confirm that TV from Plusnet will be launching soon. It will be available exclusively to existing Plusnet Unlimited Fibre customers.

“These customers can register their interest via the Plusnet member centre here”

It’s currently unknown which channels and services Plusnet customers will have access to, however BTTV offers around 20 extra pay channels as well a choice of recording and non-recording set-top box and a growing library of buy-to-keep titles. Customers also have access to Netflix which joined the YouView platform at the end of last year.

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