Richard Hammond’s Interactive Top Gear Challenge

Publisher: 2|Entertain
Release date: 12th November

This DVD based quiz is compellingly addictive, Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond guides either a single player or two teams through five rounds in this latest spin-off from the increasingly popular TV series.

‘Keep Your Distance’ shows you a selection of close-up photos of parts of eight cars and asks you to identify the car. This is a timed round with each incorrect answer deducting 5 seconds from the time remaining.

‘Under The Bonnet’ gives a statistic about a car such as speed, weight or price asks you to decide whether a second car is higher or lower.

In the ‘The Cool Wall’ players must decide if 6 cars shown are cool or uncool with points awarded for each correct guess but be warned, if you send the ‘trick’ car the wrong side of line you loose your points and the round ends.

‘Caravan Roulette’ has the player blow up a row of caravans while avoiding the one in which Hammond is hiding. In true Top Gear style there’s a slightly bad taste feel to this round but at the same time it’s an irresistible guilty pleasure!

Last up is general knowledge round ‘The Need For Speed’, simply answer as many questions as you can in the alloted time to boost your final score and avoid one of Richard’s putdowns.

The great thing about this game is that much of it comes down to observation and commonsense meaning it’s accessible even for those who aren’t die-hard car enthusiasts.

Playing in single player mode means you always want to go back at have another try to improve your score whilst the team version is a great way to spend time with mates.

Definitely one to stick on that Christmas wish list.

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