Sky announces The Unofficial Science Of… Die Hard and Indiana Jones specials

Sky Max will be looking at the stunts and jaw-dropping action sequences of Die Hard and Indiana Jones in two new The Unofficial Science Of… specials. 

Christmas will see Chris Ramsey and Paul Chowdhry, alongside engineer Zoe Laughlin, scientifically assess the stunts of Die Hard. 

From rooftop escapes to walking over shattered glass, Chris and Paul will put the stunts to the test to discover how to tackle them in real life. Along the way, the pair will set out to answer the biggest question of all: is Die Hard a Christmas film?

A later Indiana Jones special will see Greg James and Maisie Adam team up to learn how to dodge poisonous darts, outrun giant boulders and survive fireballs while Alex Brooker returns to explore the sets and meet iconic cast members to hear their favourite on-set memories.

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