Sky Mobile says data rollover perk has saved customers over £20 million

Sky says its mobile phone customers have saved more than 2.2 million gigabytes of unused data over the past year.

The service’s rollover feature means customers who use less than their plan’s data allowance can store the unused quota in their ‘Sky Piggybank’ where it will be available to use for up to three years, reducing the need to buy extra data in those months when usage is higher.

Sky calculates that the rolled over data has saved customers over £20 million since Sky Mobile launched last year.

Liz Wynn, Commercial Director for Sky Mobile, said: “When we entered the smartphone market we wanted to tackle the issue of unused data and customers paying too much for their allowance.

“Over 20 million people in the UK were regularly buying more data than they needed to avoid going over their data allowance, and accepted this as the norm.

“We created Sky Mobile and Roll to challenge this status quo.

“One year on we can see its working, with our customers already saving £20 million worth of data.”

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