Star Wars: Battlefront – new trailer

star_wars_battlefrontEA Games and Dice have released a new trailer for Star Wars: Battlefront, the long-awaited third instalment in the console game franchise.

The original game allowed players to re-enact classic Star Wars battles such as the rebel attack on Endor and the Battle of Hoth.

Its sequel, Star Wars: Battlefront II, introduced space battles, pitching X-Wings and Tie Bombers against Star Destroyers and Frigates.

Few details of the new version are known other than it’s in the “very early” stages of development and is expected to be developed for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

A short trailer teasing the Battle of Hoth was released last year, the new video offers Star Wars fans a more in-depth look at how the game is shaping up and the design process.

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