Star Wars: The Force Awakens – how much does it cost to insure the Millennium Falcon?

Social_02_MillenniumFalconAs its action-packed trailers suggest, Star Wars: The Force Awakens features array of vehicles and star ships involved in some of the franchise’s most thrilling battles, dogfights and near escapes yet.

To tie-in with the film’s release insurance comparison site has worked with Lucasfilm to develop a fun ‘Galactic Insurance’ website.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how much it costs to cover the Millennium Falcon – did Solo’s insurers know he’d completed the Kessel Run in “less than twelve parsecs”? – or wondered what it cost to insure an X-Wing fighter – are you really allowed to hand one over to an untrained farm boy?! – then this is the site you’re looking for.

Once you’ve chosen your vehicle class, inputted your planet of birth, species and a few other details you’ll be able to download and print your custom insurance certificate.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is in cinemas now.


This article has not been sponsored or paid-for by Lucasfilm or but the author did receive a rather natty X-Wing model.

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