STUDIOCANAL brings Bait 3D to DVD and Blu-ray

bait-D36_0057-timonyAustralian-Singaporean horror flick Bait 3D gets a DVD and Blu-ray release later this month courtesy of STUDIOCANAL.

The cast includes Xavier Samuel (A Few best Men, The Twilight Saga; Eclipse), Julian McMahon, Phoebe Tonkin (Tomorrow When the War Began) and high profile Singaporean stars Adrian Pang and Qi Yuwu.

A tsunami devastates a small Gold Coast town and leaves twelve people trapped in a flooded supermarket. Amidst the horror the group slowly realises that they may not be alone.

Trapped with a hungry Great White shark, how many of them will have to die and will rescue ever come?

BAIT 3D is the first ever Autralian 3D production and co-production between Australia and Singapore.

The release includes a Making Of feature and trailer and is available on 3D and 2D on Blu-ray and DVD from April 29th. Pre-order your copy today.

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