TalkTalk offering Sky Sports and Sky Movies for £20pm

talktalk_brand_shotTalkTalk is offering TV customers the chance to add Sky Sports and Sky Movies to their package for just £20 a month.

The three month special offer represents a £25pm saving on the firm’s regular combined price for its Sky Movies and Sky Sports Boosts.

Both are available on a month to month basis so customers can add and remove them from their packages as required.
Olivia Streatfeild of TalkTalk said: “Our half price Boost gives customers access to more movies and sport on a flexible basis without the hefty costs.

“We believe that TalkTalk homes should be able to dip in and out of channels they love, and that’s why we are giving customers access to our Sky Movies and Sky Sports Boost at better than half price.

“The offer is ideal for our cash-conscious sports and movie fans and gears families up for a great autumn of entertainment”.

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