ITV has ordered a second series of The Good Karma Hospital, its medical drama set in Southern India, with stars Amanda Redman, Amrita Acharia, Neil Morrissey, James Floyd, Darshan Jariwalla, Sagar Radia and Nimmi Harasagama all set to return.
The show’s six-part first series won consolidated audiences of around 6.7 million and 26% audience share, will return to ITV in 2018.
Will Gould, Executive Producer at series producers Tiger Aspect Drama, said: “We are beyond delighted that The Good Karma Hospital has struck such a chord with the audience who have taken these vibrant characters and life affirming stories to their hearts.
“It’s been an incredibly international production, but it all started with creator Dan Sefton’s scripts, and ITV’s belief in them, so I’d like to thank them both for that.
“I can’t wait to see series two come to life.”
Victoria Fea, ITV’s Senior Drama Commissioner, added: “We’re very excited about developing a second series of The Good Karma Hospital.
“It’s brought the warmth, colour and vibrancy of India to our wintry Sunday nights. This is a credit to the wonderful cast, Dan Sefton’s well-crafted scripts and Tiger Aspect Drama.”
The second series will begin filming in August 2017 with further casting news announced closer to production.