The Weather Network has launched a dedicated app on YouView, the hybrid digital terrestrial and IPTV platform backed by the UK’s largest free-to-air broadcasters, plus ISPs TalkTalk and BT.
The app is available from today all 2.5million+ YouView set top boxes, allowing users to access the current weather conditions for their local area or selected cities as well as longer-term forecasts.
David Faulkner, Head of Corporate and Business Development, YouView, said: “The Weather Network is a great addition to our App line up offering our viewers greater choice of content and live weather information.”
Naomi Lipowski, Director of TV Apps and Emerging Technology for The Weather Network, commented: “We have been and continue to be a pioneer in the field of TV apps and live-streaming as The Weather Network was one of the first to launch interactive TV over satellite and over cable through Videoway technology in 1991.
“The continual evolution and growth of our TV apps and streaming services shows just how committed we are to be a leader in the space.
“This app was developed together with a TV App agency based in the U.K. to cater specifically to that audience.” said Naomi Lipowski, Director of TV Apps and Emerging Technology for The Weather Network.