This time the stories feed off a rumour that Apple are mere weeks away from launching a 7” model of the iPad. Rumour in the wild, we now have acres of stories purporting to be revealing some of the specs and/or setting out a ‘must have’ list of refinements over the current models.
Of course, none of us know whether a new iPad is coming anytime soon, there’s sensible reasons both for and against believing the rumours, but I’m always amazed at how willing people are to accept anything which has been repeated a couple of times as a fact.
In the past 24 hours I’ve seen a scarily large number of people shouting in various forums and comments sections about how Apple are betraying them as an early adopter – and all before this 7” iPad is even confirmed.
Personally I can’t think of anything a new iPad could do which I’d feel was missing from mine and I’m sceptical the experience of watching video or reading magazines and comics could be as enjoyable on a smaller screen, so there’ll be no grumbles from me if the rumours of a 7” model turn out to be true.
I always tell people that when buying any tech gadget it’s best to do so only if you’re certain that the current specs work for you and with the certain expectation that it’ll be superseded before too long. The pace of technology means it’s almost impossible (or at least very expensive and wasteful) to always have the latest model of every gadget.