Ubisoft kicks Tom Clancy’s The Division back to 2015

the_division_streetTom Clancy’s The Division, the much-anticipated action game for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, will now not be released until next year.

The game, set in a New York City which has been devastated by pandemic, was originally due to be released later this year.

However developers Ubisoft have announced it’s now been pushed back until 2015.

In a post on the title’s official site, the firm says: “Working on The Division is a once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us at Massive, Reflections, and Red Storm Entertainment.

“We are creating something we are really proud of and we don’t want to compromise on quality. We are going to release the game when it’s ready.

“We want to thank you again for the exceptional ongoing support. Community is at the heart of what we are doing and we’re very much designing the game with you in mind, so your involvement means a lot to us.”

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