Virgin Media unveils the UK’s ugliest set top box – 1986 would like its design aesthetic back!

virgin_media_new_ugly_boxAfter years of being saddled with slowing TiVos which have been outpaced by Sky and BT’s efforts, Virgin Media has finally confirmed its customers are also getting a new set top box.

Unlike its rivals, Virgin appears to be bucking the trend for elegant, thinner devices and has unveiled an ugly-looking brick which customers will soon be invited to pay a premium to borrow and place beneath their TV.

The new box will be powered by TiVo’s software which, going by complaints on Virgin’s own forums, can currently struggle to keep pace with user needs.

Hopefully beneath the Soviet-era looking exterior Virgin has included some beefed up specs to ensure this box isn’t as laggy and unreliable as the initial TiVos were.

Like the more modern looking STBs offered by Sky and BT, the new Virgin TV V6 is expected to offer 4K, assuming BT, Sky and other rights holders agree to sell the cableco any content.

Will an ugly box and the almost inevitable price rises which follow VM’s content deals with its rivals help the firm reverse the declines in its TV customer numbers?

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