What sunglasses would Game of Thrones characters wear?

game_of_thrones_title_7501There’s a lot to love about Game of Thrones, particularly if you’re a fan of regicide, decapitations, mythical fire-breathing beasts, ethereal demon-esque monsters and spectacular levels of backstabbing and double crossing. Oh and blood, lots and lots of blood.

One element of HBO’s stunningly successful interpretation of George R. R. Martin’s novels that you might not be so taken with however is the fashion; it’s not exactly Mad Men in that regard.

It does make you wonder how some of the series’ characters might choose to dress if they were transported into the modern era – I can certainly see Daenerys Targaryen rocking a Chanel dress, or Jon Snow cutting a fine figure in a tailored Tom Ford suit.

We’re clearly not the only ones with enough time on our hands to be wondering such things, as Shade Station have produced an infographic imagining what sunglasses Game of Thrones characters would wear:
Game of Thrones Sunglasses
I think safety goggles on Oberyn Martell and the Hello Kitty glasses on Joffrey Baratheon are particularly good choices!

I’m not sure about the Oakley Madman shades on Ramsay Bolton (although they do fit his character quite nicely), but you can’t deny Tyrion and Jamie Lannister look particularly cool in their respective Ray Ban Wayfarers and Aviators. The mother of dragons also looks pretty sharp in those Carrera Speedways, but I’m fairly confident she could pull of any pair of shades she wanted.

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