Wired Productions have released two new trailers for their upcoming games, Deliver Us The Moon (PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch) and The Falconeer (PC/Xbox One).
Deliver US The Moon
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, Deliver Us The Moon is set in an apocalyptic near-future where the Earth’s resources have been depleted and humanity looks to the stars.
Nations band together to create the World Space Agency – an organisation tasked with solving the extreme energy crisis. The solution: colonization and exploitation of the moon’s natural reserves of Helium-3 to serve the energy needs of a growing Earth population.
Suddenly, and without warning, communications with the Moon cease, and the energy source is lost.
Plunged into darkness and without power, years pass as world governments come together once more to embark on a new mission – to re-establish the energy supply and with it hope for the human race.
Arriving on console for the first time, Deliver Us The Moon is due for release on 24th April with an RRP of £19.99/€24.99 /$24.99.
The Falconeer
Developed by Tomas Sala, The Falconeer will land on Xbox One and PC in 2020. Explore a bleak and hauntingly beautiful world, filled with wonderous locations and warmongering rival factions vying for the mysterious secrets hidden at the Ursee’s unfathomable depths.
The Imperial throne holds power over all of the Northern Ursee, but derives power from the noble trading houses and the ancient decrees granting it the support of the Mancer Order.
The Order houses tremendous stores of knowledge in giant vaults. These vaults are accompanied by communities of administrators and traders, who are tasked with handling the steady stream of applicants wishing to obtain technology from the Order.