Free League Publishing is publishing a 5E adaptation of its The One Ring roleplaying game which will be entitled The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying.
Available to pre-order later this year, the The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying will contain everything needed to create exciting 5E adventures: six original heroic cultures from the land of Eriador, six new classes, a host of terrifying adversaries, and comprehensive rules for journeys, councils, wondrous artefacts, and the subtle magic of Middle-earth.
Free League has confirmed a scenario module entitled Shire Adventures will also be available. The retail release of both products is planned for early 2023 and a pre-order will give immediate access to a full PDF version.
The year is 2965 of the Third Age and the Shadow is returning. Rumors of strange things happening outside the borders of civilized lands are spreading and they sometimes reach the ears of individuals who recognize the sinister truth they hide.
You are part of such a company of heroes seeking adventure. Restless warriors, curious scholars and wanderers, eager to seek what was lost or explore what was forgotten.
Together, you are entering the Lone-lands of Eriador. It is here that the One Ring lies, a seed of the past that will one day lead the world to open war against the returning Shadow. The Enemy is moving, and smoke issues once more from Mount Doom, in the land of Mordor…