T-Mobile and Orange users to gain new mobile TV service

T-Mobile and Orange users in the UK will soon be able to enjoy a new mobile TV service.

Parent company Everything Everywhere has announced a new deal with Red Bee Media which will allow it to deploy Red Bee’s “next generation” media platform, RedPlayer™

The service, which will work on WiFi and 3G, will stream live content from over 40 channels such as ITV1, ITV2, ITN News, Sky News, Sky Sports 1, CNN and National Geographic.

Everything Everywhere say the new platform will allow tablet users to access the service for the very first time and promise users will receive video content optimised for their handset to ensure “a high quality viewing experience at all times.”

Paul Jevons, Director of Products, Everything Everywhere said: “The new delivery platform is just the start, and we have several significant developments planned for our service over the next 12 months which will really transform the way consumers view mobile TV.

“We’ll also be looking at new technologies as they become available, including the ability to stream 3D content to handsets with 3D capable screens – so our customers will only continue to receive the best services we are able to offer them.”

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