Virgin Media customers will soon be able to access WiFi internet on London’s Tube system.
The cable company is connecting 120 stations to its network, offering waiting passengers access to internet services.
Access will initially be available for free, before moving to a paid-for service after summer’s Olympic Games.
As part of its contract with London Underground, Virgin Media will provide internet connected terminals offering the latest travel information.
Announcing the deal, Gareth Powell, LU’s Director of Strategy and Service Development, said: “This latest innovation is great news for Tube customers, who now have access to emails, web and social media underground for the first time. It’s also delivered at no cost to fare payers and taxpayers.”
Neil Berkett, CEO, Virgin Media, said: “We’re putting the power of Virgin Media’s fibre optic network in the hands of millions of Londoners, commuters and visitors and are delighted to be launching Wi-Fi for free throughout summer 2012.
“We’ll help people make the most of the city and will continue to evolve the service, ensuring everyone can benefit from a service London will be proud of.”