YouView update delivers internet channel recording

bt_sport_youviewYouView from BT users can now record additional internet delivered channels such as BT Sport after a new software update for the boxes was released on Thursday.

YouView combines traditional aerial received channels with on-demand and catch-up content plus, for BT and TalkTalk customers, additional channels delivered via broadband.

While customers have been able to record, pause and rewind aerial channels since the service launched last year, they have been unable to do so with internet (IPTV) channels.

YouView has always said this feature would be delivered by Autumn, although BT later promised it would be available within a “few weeks” of launching BT Sport in August.

A new version (15.11.0) of the YouView software is being rolled-out to BT supplied boxes, with some customers already able to use the new features.

The update will be welcomed by many BT customers who were unhappy at not being able to record shows on their additional paid-for channels.

A YouView spokesperson confirmed that “IP channel recording will be added to YouView from TalkTalk in due course.”

Next year a further update will enable any approved content owner to provide internet channels, potentially enabling Sky’s NOW TV to add its new Entertainment package to the platform. Such channels will be available to all users, regardless of their internet provider.

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