3G usage highest among tablet owners

Users of tablets such as the iPad use 3G more often than dongle owners. Photo: Apple
Tablet and laptop owners are more likely to regularly use 3G mobile broadband than owners of dongles according to the latest results from YouGov’s Mobile Broadband Experience.

Tablet users are also more likely to participate in a variety of internet activities while dongle users participate in fewer internet activities.

Just 11% of dongle users download or stream music and/or movies on a weekly basis compared to over a quarter (27%) of 3G tablet users.

The survery also reveals that data allowance and tariff costs are more important considerations for 3G tablet owners than for dongle owners.

When looking at the average cost of a tariff, netbook, integrated laptops with mobile broadband and tetherer owners had an average monthly tariff value of £15.64 – a lot more than dongle, modem stick, datacard owners who spent an average monthly value of just £12.88.

Similarly, 3G tablet owners paid an average of just £13.48 per month.

Source: YouGov

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