Ofcom publishes hybrid sharing proposal for upper 6 GHz spectrum 

Telecoms and media regulator Ofcom has set out its vision for how the upper 6 GHz spectrum band could be shared between both Wi-Fi and mobile services, while also continuing to serve the band’s existing users as much as possible.

Today’s paper outlines two possible approaches that could form part of a sharing framework:

  • Variable spectrum split. Both Wi-Fi and mobile would be able to use any part of the band where the other is not deployed, but have sections of it they are prioritised in. This could be done by each technology transmitting a specific signal so they can sense and avoid each other. 
  • Indoor/outdoor split. Wi-Fi routers tend to be indoors to serve a particular household, whereas mobile base stations are mostly located outdoors to provide coverage to a wider area. The band could be managed to prioritise the indoor use of Wi-Fi while also prioritising mobile use outdoors.

The proposals follow a consultation last year and, if implemented, would be the first time Wi-Fi and licensed mobile technologies share spectrum extensively.

Ofcom says its working with industry to develop a hybrid sharing framework and the necessary coexistence solutions. It’s also working with other European regulators, with a technical report on this topic is scheduled to be published in 2025. 

The regulator says it will set out further details on how we intend to make the upper 6GHz band next year and that any final decisions will be subject to a further consultation. 

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