Transformers Prime: Darkness Rising is a stylish animated mini series featuring Hasbro’s now iconic robots.
The story starts at some point after the events of the game War for Cybertron and introduces the only 5 Autobots on Earth to humans Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Rafael Esquivel.
When Decepticon leader Megatron returns after a three year exile with the ability to turn dead Transformers into zombies, the scene is set for a of battle on which the fate of the planet could depend…
The computer animation is impressive but the high-shine realisation of the Transformers and photo-realistic landscapes jar a little with the Wii-like rendering of the humans.
More important to the success of any animated film or series is the voice performances.
Here the producers have been wise and recruited Peter Cullen to reprise the role of Optimus Prime, a role he voiced in the original 1980’s animated series, the recent big screen outings and the video games Transformers: War for Cybertron and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
Cullen’s inclusion beings the series an instant ring of authenticity and his Prime remains a commanding leader, able to reach out and inspire followers from two different species.
He’s joined by fellow original series star and voiceover legend Frank Welker as Megatron, a role he also played in the two games.
Although accessible to younger viewers, the story is sufficiently detailed and layered to appeal to appeal to adults, making it ideal for those wanting to re-live their childhood or anyone needing a cross-generation pleaser.
Our verdict: 4/5
Transformers Prime: Darkness Rising will be released on October 22, 2012 and can be pre-ordered from